- Mary Franchini
- Brian Buntain
- Lynne Armstrong
- Stephen Portner
- Susan Gansert-Shaw
- Ross Brown
- Sharman Owings
An intimate gathering of creativity…a sharing of ideas…community interaction and fun!
Take a breath….refresh your soul!
Silent Auction
ARTJAM’s silent auction item in 2022 was a magical drop leaf table combining the creative spark of the “jam’s” 8 members.
This table was first disassembled and a piece given to each artist, thus the sections are painted “blind” so the final result is always a surprise. It is a masterpiece not to be missed. Again, this year, all proceeds were be donated to the Sequim Food Bank.
As always, click on any image to enlarge it.
2022 Participating artists were
- Stephen Portner: Wood Furniture
- Brian Buntain: Contemporary Jewelry
- Ross Brown: Sculpture
- Susan Gansert Shaw: Watercolor, Acrylic & Pastel contemporary landscapes
- Mary Franchini: Mixed Media contemporary paintings
- Lynne Armstrong: Acrylic & watercolor landscapes, & still life
- Sharman Owings: Painting
- Linda Collins Chapman: Pottery
Special Guest Artists were
- Karin Anderson: Mixed Media
- Mike McCollum: woodworking, painting
- Terry Grasteit: abstract art
- Melia Nelson: painting
Way, way, way before there was an ARTJAM…way, way before there was a FAB FIVE, and way before there was a BARN SISTERHOOD there was an amazing artist that lived in Forks. Shall we call her “Susu?” Susu had a studio and a little shop, The Alley Studio. She taught, she painted and she was an advocate for the arts on the West End. Occasionally she was allowed out of the area to visit art shows on the North Olympic Peninsula, and there Susu was always drawn to the work of another astonishing painter. Shall we call her “Miss Marmealia.” Unbeknownst to Susu, Miss Marmealia was always drawn to the work of Susu, as well, and had traveled to the West End in hopes of meeting Susu in person and see more of her work. Flash ahead a few years. Susu has moved to the North Olympic Peninsula and has refurbished a barn that now houses her new studio. Sequim Arts is hosting their annual Sequim Arts Open Studio Tour and Susu elects to participate. Sequim Arts traditionally furnished a ‘helper’ to each participating artist and oh my goshie gosh! Guess who Susu’s helper is?? Low and behold it’s Miss Marmealia!!
No words are needed to describe the jubilation that was enjoyed for those three days of that first studio tour. The creative synergy just exploded between Susu and Miss Marmealia. The following year, again, found Susu participating in the tour but she was now joined by Miss Marmealia and a third astounding painter “Miss Lynne,” and they were known for two years as the “Barn Sisterhood” and were able to show their work in the barn at “Rock Hollow Farm.” The following year the Barn Sisters followed their pursuit of artistic expression by inviting two additional artists to join the sisters….both, I might add, were splendid jewelers! The Barn Sisterhood became the “Fabulous (Fab) Five”.
The Fabulous Five were beginning to be known far and wide for their close comradery, non-competitiveness and pure joy of working together. This recipe made for the amplified group and acted as a magnet for guests. Desirous of sharing their love of art with the community, the “Fabulous Five” expanded their vision to include more artistic variety. Eight to ten artists now share a plethora of mediums and have now become known as the “Barn People”! I believe that we have kept that same caring, intimacy when we grew up and became “ARTJAM….an art experience”.
2022 was the the 8th and final year that Rock Hollow Farm has presented “ARTJAM”. It provided artists with the opportunity to show a major body of work that reflects a personal style, vision and technical proficiency with their medium. I would now like to present the cast of last year’s “jam”.
Brian Buntain – (alias: Fab Five) stunning and simply splendid primeval jewels and publications
Lynne Armstrong – painter (of light and love)
Mary Franchini – (alias: Miss Marmealia) – multi-media, painter (and chair aficionado!)
Steve Portner – wood furniture, marquetry (accidental artist)
Susan Gansert Shaw – (alias: Susu) – multi-media, painter, “susu sticks”
Ross Brown – sculptor (marvelous metal manipulator)
Sharman Owings – painter (maker of marks)
So, there they are! The full cast creative brilliance combining their energies to the present their “the journey.” ARTJAM was a destination for folks from around the ‘hollow’ to around the world. Our guests could pick up a brush and join in the fun with our community art “paint.” They could experience art demonstrations, view incredible art and maybe even buy their favorite! They could take pleasure in the paths of Rock Hollow Farm or bring a picnic lunch to enjoy while listening to a tune under the “apple tree stage.” One of the highlights for the ‘barn people’ was the expansive energy generated with the public and with each other. We presented an intimate gathering of creativity…sharing of ideas, interaction and play. We enjoyed fun, frolic and laughter….a little music and a lotta love. What a kick!